This article is dedicated to a legendary press that has no doubt become such during 35 years on the assembly line. Many printers love them for their unpretentiousness, high-capacity inking unit and relatively low price of a used machine.
This article is dedicated to a legendary press that has no doubt become such during 35 years on the assembly line. Many printers love them for their unpretentiousness, high-capacity inking unit and relatively low price of a used machine.
This machine can undoubtedly be called one of the most modern developments of the 1980s. The design solutions remain relevant even now, at the beginning of the 21st century. Among its options were state-of-the-art solutions, which even today are not found in all printing machine manufacturers. It is said that after the company’s merger with...
The post-war years of the 20th century were a real heyday for the printing industry. Offset printing began to develop very quickly. But offset printing is not just about the machine. It is also labour-intensive plate processes, during which it is necessary to take into account a million different nuances, so that the printer did...
Romayor is a famous series of sheetfed offset printing machines, which was produced by the Czech company Adast for more than 30 years without significant changes. These presses were popular in Eastern Europe among small and medium-sized printers due to their reliability, ease of operation and affordable price.