Printers have to get information about market innovations from suppliers of consumables and equipment. But they are not always objective, because they are interested in selling you their own products. And with the closure of the Heidelberg Print Media Academy, it has become even more difficult for printers to improve their qualifications.
Technology is advancing faster than it did in the 2000s. The most printers simply can’t know about the real possibilities of working in social networks, chatbots and other tools of communication with the customer. Meanwhile, a well-organised social media presence and a simple and powerful website can replace eight of your ten managers.
Because of unfamiliarity with the market or because of a lack of understanding of the task, a business owner often buys equipment that only partially meets their objectives. We evaluate the efficiency of your operation and select an equipment package that will be more efficient and require less staff. And we will sell the unnecessary equipment.
An owner always tends to think that his business is the best. However, the customer thinks differently. Alas, we always think we are better than we are. Take a look at yourself from the outside. We will go through your sales funnel, check your website, your customer service, check your production and create a list of recommendations.
If the market has changed, don’t hurry to get upset and close your production! Statistics say that more than 90% of printing companies do not know the capabilities of their own machines. We help you understand your power, launch new technologies and develop new market niches. Everyone from production to sales will be involved in building your new structure.
How are your managers finding new customers? Do they still call customers? Or maybe they’re still sending faxes? Then it’s definitely time for you to change. You live in the 21st century and modern technology allows you to reduce the number of managers and replace them with a good website with a chatbot. We can build your work with both b2b and b2c customers.
Let’s start with an assessment of your machine fleet and how to use it. We’ll check the efficiency of your staff with a stopwatch and make recommendations based on your product range.
It’s likely that one high-speed machine can replace three of your existing ones. We can help you sell your less efficient machines and replace them with machines that will save you money and time.
Some print shops rush to close when they see that older models no longer work. Don’t be the last of your competitors to notice a change in the market when it’s too late to make a change.
Our method for testing attractiveness and usability is based on a Likert scale and other authoritative methodologies, including the experience of researchers such as the Meyer Henschel Institute (Germany).
Based on our research, we will create a SWOT analysis of your print production, sales and customer relations. We will give you a list of recommendations for change and help you address your weaknesses.
There is no point in conducting a study of the current state of affairs in production without practical solutions to existing problems. In just a couple of months you will see real positive changes.